
class ansys.aedt.toolkits.common.ui.utils.widgets.py_credits.py_credits.PyCredits(text= 2024 MyApp Co.', version='0.0.1', bg='#FFFFFF', font_family='Segoe UI', text_size=9, text_description_color='#00000', radius=8, padding=10)[source]#

Credits information widget with customizable elements.

Inherits QWidget and includes UILabels for credits and version information, with customizable styles.

textstr, optional

Copyright text to be displayed. The default is 2024 MyApp Co.".

versionstr, optional

Version information text to be displayed. The default is "0.0.1".

bgstr, optional

Background color for the widget. The default is "FFFFFF".

font_familystr, optional

Font family name for the text. The default is "Segoe UI".

text_sizeint, optional

Size of the text. The default is 9.

text_description_colorstr, optional

Color of the text. The default is "#FFFFFF".

radiusint, optional

Radius of the widget’s corners. The default is 9.

paddingint, optional

Padding applied to the text in the labels. The default is 10.


>>> import sys
>>> from PySide6.QtWidgets import *
>>> from ansys.aedt.toolkits.common.ui.utils.widgets import *
>>> class MyApp(QMainWindow):
...     def __init__(self):
...         super().__init__()
...         self.credits = PyCredits()
>>> if __name__ == "__main__":
...     app = QApplication([])
...     window = MyApp()
...     sys.exit(app.exec())