Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2023 - 2024 ANSYS, Inc. and/or its affiliates.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.

from PySide6.QtCore import QEasingCurve
from PySide6.QtCore import QParallelAnimationGroup
from PySide6.QtCore import QPropertyAnimation
from PySide6.QtCore import Qt
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QFrame
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QHBoxLayout
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QPushButton
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QSizePolicy
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QSpacerItem
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QWidgetItem

from ansys.aedt.toolkits.common.ui.models import general_settings
from ansys.aedt.toolkits.common.ui.utils.widgets import PyComboBox
from ansys.aedt.toolkits.common.ui.utils.widgets import PyIconButton
from ansys.aedt.toolkits.common.ui.utils.widgets import PyLabel
from ansys.aedt.toolkits.common.ui.utils.widgets import PyLineEdit
from ansys.aedt.toolkits.common.ui.utils.widgets import PyPushButton
from ansys.aedt.toolkits.common.ui.utils.widgets import PyToggle

[docs] class CommonWindowUtils(object): """ Class representing a common window with various UI functionalities. """ def __init__(self): self.load_pages = None self.left_column = None self.left_column_frame = None self.right_column_frame = None self.right_column = None self.title_bar_frame = None self.left_menu = None self.themes = None = None self.progress_frame = None self.__resize = 1
[docs] def set_page(self, page): """ Set the current page in the load_pages widget. Parameters ---------- page : QWidget The page widget to be displayed as the current page. """ self.load_pages.pages.setCurrentWidget(page) self.window_refresh()
[docs] def get_left_menu(self, object_name): """ Retrieves the QPushButton object in the left menu of the CommonWindow UI. Parameters ---------- object_name : str The name of the button object to be retrieved from the left menu. Returns ------- QPushButton The QPushButton object with the given object_name found in the left menu of the CommonWindow UI. """ return self.left_menu.findChild(QPushButton, object_name)
[docs] def set_left_column_menu(self, menu, title, icon_path): """ Configures the left column of the CommonWindow UI by setting the current widget as the provided `menu`, the title in the left column's title label as the provided `title`, and the icon in the left column as the icon specified by `icon_path`. Parameters ---------- menu : QWidget The menu widget to be set as the current widget in the left column. title : str The title to be set in the left column's title label. icon_path : str The path to the icon image file to be set in the left column's icon. """ self.left_column.menus.menus.setCurrentWidget(menu) self.left_column.title_label.setText(title) self.left_column.icon.set_icon(icon_path)
[docs] def is_left_column_visible(self): """ Check if the left column is visible. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the left column is visible, ``False`` otherwise. """ return self.left_column_frame.width() != 0
[docs] def is_right_column_visible(self): """ Checks if the right column is visible. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the right column is visible, ``False`` otherwise. """ return self.right_column_frame.width() != 0
[docs] def is_progress_visible(self): """ Checks if the progress bar is visible. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if the progress bar is visible, ``False`` otherwise. """ return self.progress_frame.height() != 0
[docs] def set_right_column_menu(self, title): """ Sets the title of the right column menu. Parameters ---------- title: str The title to be set. """ self.right_column.title_label.setText(title)
[docs] def get_title_bar(self, object_name): """ Get title. Parameters ---------- object_name: str The name of the QPushButton object. """ return self.title_bar_frame.findChild(QPushButton, object_name)
[docs] def add_combobox(self, layout, height=40, width=None, label="label1", combobox_list=None, font_size=12): """ Adds a label and combobox to a layout. Parameters ---------- layout: QLayout The layout object to which the label and combobox will be added. height: int, optional The height of the label and combobox widgets. Default is 40. width: list, optional The width of the label and combobox widgets. If not provided, a default width of [100, 100] will be used. label: str, optional The text to be displayed on the label widget. Default is 'label1'. combobox_list: list, optional A list of items to be displayed in the combobox. If not provided, a default list of ['1', '2'] will be used. font_size: int, optional The font size of the label widget. Default is 12. Returns ------- list A list containing the layout row object, label object, and combobox object. """ combobox_list = combobox_list or [] width = width or [100, 100] app_color = self.themes["app_color"] text_foreground = app_color["text_foreground"] combo_color = app_color["combo_color"] combo_hover = app_color["combo_hover"] layout_row = QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(layout_row) label_widget = PyLabel(text=label, font_size=font_size, color=text_foreground) label_widget.setMinimumHeight(height) label_widget.setFixedWidth(width[0]) layout_row.addWidget(label_widget) combobox_widget = PyComboBox( text_list=combobox_list, radius=8, bg_color=combo_color, bg_color_hover=combo_hover, text_color=text_foreground, font_size=font_size, ) combobox_widget.setMinimumHeight(height) combobox_widget.setFixedWidth(width[1]) layout_row.addWidget(combobox_widget) return [layout_row, label_widget, combobox_widget]
[docs] def add_textbox(self, layout, height=40, width=None, label="label1", initial_text=None, font_size=12): """ Adds a label and textbox to a layout. Parameters ---------- layout: QLayout The layout object to which the label and combobox will be added. height: int, optional The height of the label and combobox widgets. Default is 40. width: list, optional The width of the label and combobox widgets. If not provided, a default width of [100, 100] will be used. label: str, optional The text to be displayed on the label widget. Default is '"label1"'. initial_text: str, optional Text to be displayed in the textbox. font_size: int, optional The font size of the label widget. Default is 12. Returns ------- list A list containing the layout row object, label object, and combobox object. """ initial_text = initial_text or " " width = width or [100, 100] app_color = self.themes["app_color"] text_foreground = app_color["text_foreground"] bg_color = app_color["combo_color"] layout_row = QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(layout_row) label_widget = PyLabel(text=label, font_size=font_size, color=text_foreground) label_widget.setMinimumHeight(height) label_widget.setFixedWidth(width[0]) layout_row.addWidget(label_widget) linebox_widget = PyLineEdit( text=initial_text, radius=8, bg_color=bg_color, color=text_foreground, selection_color=app_color["white"], bg_color_active=app_color["dark_three"], context_color=app_color["context_color"], font_size=font_size, ) linebox_widget.setMinimumHeight(height) linebox_widget.setFixedWidth(width[1]) layout_row.addWidget(linebox_widget) return [layout_row, label_widget, linebox_widget]
[docs] def add_toggle(self, layout, height=40, width=None, label=None, font_size=12): """ Add a label and a toggle button to a specified layout. Parameters ---------- layout: QLayout Layout object to add the label and toggle button to. height: int, optional Height of the label and toggle. Default is 40. width: list, optional Width of the label and toggle. Default is [50, 100, 50] if None. label: list of str, optional Label text. Default is ['label1', 'label2'] if None. font_size: int, optional Font size for the label text. Default is 12. Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing the layout row, label object, toggle object, and second label object """ label = label or ["label1", "label2"] width = width or [50, 100, 50] layout_row = QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(layout_row) label1 = self._create_label(label[0], font_size, height, width[0]) layout_row.addWidget(label1) spacer1 = QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed) layout_row.addItem(spacer1) toggle = self._create_toggle(width[1], height) layout_row.addWidget(toggle) spacer2 = QSpacerItem(15, 0, QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed) layout_row.addItem(spacer2) label2 = self._create_label(label[1], font_size, height, width[2]) layout_row.addWidget(label2) return layout_row, label1, toggle, label2
[docs] def add_icon_button(self, layout, icon, height=40, width=None, text="lineedit"): """ Add icon button. Parameters ---------- layout: QLayout The layout to which the icon button and line edit will be added. icon: QIcon The path to the icon that will be displayed on the button. height: int, optional The height of the icon button and line edit. Default is 40. width: list, optional The width of the icon button. If not provided, it will be set to a default value. text: str, optional The placeholder text for the line edit. Default is 'lineedit'. Returns ------- list A list containing the layout row object, the button object, and the line edit object. """ if width is None: width = [20, 180] layout_row_obj = QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(layout_row_obj) button_obj1 = PyIconButton( icon_path=icon, tooltip_text=None, width=width[0], height=height, radius=10, dark_one=self._get_color_theme("dark_one"), icon_color=self._get_color_theme("icon_color"), icon_color_hover=self._get_color_theme("icon_hover"), icon_color_pressed=self._get_color_theme("icon_active"), icon_color_active=self._get_color_theme("icon_active"), bg_color=self._get_color_theme("dark_one"), bg_color_hover=self._get_color_theme("dark_three"), bg_color_pressed=self._get_color_theme("pink"), ) button_obj1.setMinimumHeight(height) layout_row_obj.addWidget(button_obj1) lineedit_obj = PyLineEdit( text="", place_holder_text=text, radius=8, border_size=2, color=self._get_color_theme("text_foreground"), selection_color=self._get_color_theme("white"), bg_color=self._get_color_theme("dark_one"), bg_color_active=self._get_color_theme("dark_three"), context_color=self._get_color_theme("context_color"), ) lineedit_obj.setMinimumHeight(height) layout_row_obj.addWidget(lineedit_obj) lineedit_obj.setFixedWidth(width[1]) return [layout_row_obj, button_obj1, lineedit_obj]
[docs] def add_n_buttons(self, layout=None, num_buttons=1, height=40, width=[200], text=["button"], font_size=10): """ Add a specified number of buttons to a layout object. Parameters ---------- layout: QLayout, optional The layout to which the buttons will be added. If None, a new QHBoxLayout will be created. num_buttons: int, optional The number of buttons to be added to the layout. Default is 1. height: int, optional The height of the buttons. Default is 40. width: list of int, optional The widths of the buttons. If list length is less than num_buttons, all buttons take the same width. Default is [200]. text: list of str, optional The texts to be displayed on the buttons. If list length is less than num_buttons, all buttons display the same text. Default is ['button']. font_size: float or int, optional Font size. Default is ``10``. Returns ------- list A list containing the layout row object and the button objects. """ if not isinstance(width, list): width = [width] if not isinstance(text, list): text = [text] if len(text) != num_buttons: if len(text) == 0: text = ["button"] * num_buttons elif len(text) > num_buttons: text = text[:num_buttons] elif len(text) < num_buttons: # just reuse the first entry N times text = [text[0]] * num_buttons if len(width) != num_buttons: width = int(200 / num_buttons) # left menu is about 200 wide layout_main_obj = layout layout_row_obj = QHBoxLayout() layout_main_obj.addLayout(layout_row_obj) all_objects = [layout_row_obj] for idx in range(num_buttons): button_obj = self._add_button(text=text[idx], font_size=font_size) button_obj.setMinimumHeight(height) layout_row_obj.addWidget(button_obj) button_obj.setFixedWidth(width[idx]) all_objects.append(button_obj) return all_objects
[docs] def add_vertical_line(self, layout, top_spacer=None, bot_spacer=None): """ Add a vertical line. Parameters ---------- layout: QLayout Layout object to add the label and toggle button to. top_spacer: list, optional Top spacer. Default is [0, 10]. bot_spacer: list, optional Bottom, spacer. Default is [0, 10]. """ top_spacer = top_spacer or [0, 10] bot_spacer = bot_spacer or [0, 10] spacer = QSpacerItem(top_spacer[0], top_spacer[1], QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Minimum) layout.addItem(spacer) line = QFrame() line.setFrameShape(QFrame.HLine) line.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Sunken) line.setStyleSheet("background-color: {};".format(self.themes["app_color"]["dark_two"])) layout.addWidget(line) spacer = QSpacerItem(bot_spacer[0], bot_spacer[1], QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Minimum) layout.addItem(spacer) return line
[docs] def toggle_left_column(self): """ Toggles the left column of the CommonWindow by starting a box animation. """ self.start_box_animation("left")
[docs] def toggle_right_column(self): """ Toggles the display of the right column in a common window. """ self.start_box_animation("right")
[docs] def window_refresh(self): """Window refresh""" # Store the original size original_size = if self.__resize == 1: self.__resize = -1 else: self.__resize = 1 # Change the size slightly to trigger a repaint + self.__resize, original_size.height()) # Restore the original size
[docs] def start_box_animation(self, direction): """ Starts a box animation in the specified direction. Parameters ---------- direction: str The direction in which the box animation should be performed. Possible values are "left" and "right". """ minimum_left = general_settings.left_column_size["minimum"] maximum_left = general_settings.left_column_size["maximum"] minimum_right = general_settings.right_column_size["minimum"] maximum_right = general_settings.right_column_size["maximum"] left_box_width = self.left_column_frame.width() right_box_width = self.right_column_frame.width() left_width = maximum_left if left_box_width == minimum_left and direction == "left" else minimum_left right_width = maximum_right if right_box_width == minimum_right and direction == "right" else minimum_right self.setup_animation(left_box_width, right_box_width, left_width, right_width)
[docs] def setup_animation(self, left_start, right_start, left_end, right_end): """ Sets up an animation for the left and right columns of the UI. Parameters ---------- left_start: int The starting value for the left box animation. right_start: int The starting value for the right box animation. left_end: int The ending value for the left box animation. right_end: int The ending value for the right box animation. """ # ANIMATION LEFT BOX left_box = self.create_animation(self.left_column_frame, b"minimumWidth", left_start, left_end) # ANIMATION RIGHT BOX right_box = self.create_animation(self.right_column_frame, b"minimumWidth", right_start, right_end) # GROUP ANIMATION = QParallelAnimationGroup()
[docs] def toggle_progress(self): """ Toggles the progress row. """ minimum_progress = general_settings.progress_size["minimum"] maximum_progress = general_settings.progress_size["maximum"] progress_box_height = self.progress_frame.height() progress_width = maximum_progress if progress_box_height == minimum_progress else minimum_progress self.progress_frame.setMaximumHeight(progress_width)
[docs] def clear_layout(self, layout): """Clear all layout.""" for i in reversed(range(layout.count())): item = layout.itemAt(i) if isinstance(item, QWidgetItem): item.widget().close() elif isinstance(item, QSpacerItem): pass # no need to do extra stuff else: self.clear_layout(item.layout()) # remove the item from layout layout.removeItem(item)
[docs] def update_progress(self, progress_value): """Clear all layout.""" self.progress.progress = progress_value
[docs] def update_logger(self, text): """Clear all layout.""" self.logger.log(text)
[docs] @staticmethod def item_index(layout, item): """ Item index. """ try: for i in range(layout.count()): if layout.itemAt(i) == item: return i elif layout.itemAt(i).widget() == item: return i return -1 except: return -1
[docs] @staticmethod def remove_item(layout, index): """ Remove item by index. """ item = layout.itemAt(index) if item: widget = item.widget() if widget: layout.removeWidget(widget) widget.deleteLater() else: layout.removeItem(item) layout.update()
[docs] @staticmethod def create_animation(obj, property_name, start_val, end_val): """ Creates an animation with specified parameters. Parameters ---------- obj: QObject The object on which the animation will be applied. property_name: str The name of the property to animate. start_val: Any The initial value of the property. end_val: Any The final value of the property. Returns ------- QPropertyAnimation The created animation. """ animation = QPropertyAnimation(obj, property_name) animation.setStartValue(start_val) animation.setEndValue(end_val) animation.setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve.InOutQuart) return animation
def _create_toggle(self, width, height): toggle = PyToggle( width=width, bg_color=self.themes["app_color"]["dark_one"], circle_color=self.themes["app_color"]["icon_color"], active_color=self.themes["app_color"]["dark_one"], ) toggle.setMaximumHeight(height) return toggle def _create_label(self, text, font_size, height, width): label = PyLabel(text=text, font_size=font_size, color=self.themes["app_color"]["text_foreground"]) label.setMinimumHeight(height) label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) label.setFixedWidth(width) return label def _get_color_theme(self, color_key): return self.themes["app_color"][color_key] def _add_button(self, text="button", font_size=10): button_obj = PyPushButton( text=text, radius=8, color=self.themes["app_color"]["text_foreground"], bg_color=self.themes["app_color"]["dark_one"], bg_color_hover=self.themes["app_color"]["dark_three"], bg_color_pressed=self.themes["app_color"]["dark_four"], font_size=font_size, ) return button_obj