Source code for ansys.aedt.toolkits.common.ui.utils.themes.json_themes

import json
from pathlib import Path

from ansys.aedt.toolkits.common.ui.logger_handler import logger
from ansys.aedt.toolkits.common.ui.models import general_settings

def _default_theme_setup(path: Path) -> Path:
    Set up the default theme.

    If the "settings.json" file is not found, log an error and load the default theme from the specified path.

    path : Path
        The base path for the default theme.

        The full path to the default theme file.
    logger.error(f'"settings.json" not found! Loaded default.')
    return path / "ansys_dark.json"

[docs] class ThemeHandler: """ A class for managing themes in a PySide6 desktop application. This class handles the loading, exporting, and management of themes used in the application. Examples -------- >>> theme_handler = ThemeHandler() >>> theme_handler.export_theme() """ def __init__(self) -> None: theme = general_settings.theme current_file = Path(__file__).resolve() current_dir = current_file.parent theme_file = current_file.parent / theme self.available_themes = list(current_dir.glob("*.json")) self.items = {} if not theme_file.exists(): theme_file = _default_theme_setup(current_dir) self.theme_path = theme_file self.read_theme()
[docs] def export_theme(self) -> None: """ Export the current theme to the theme file. Writes the current theme settings to the theme file in JSON format. """ self.theme_path.write_text(json.dumps(self.items, indent=4), encoding="utf-8")
[docs] def read_theme(self) -> None: """ Read and load theme settings from the theme file. Reads the theme settings from the theme file in JSON format and updates the internal state. """ self.items = json.loads(self.theme_path.read_text(encoding="utf-8"))